i'm cryin',, but i dunno wat for....
i miss him and i like, love him...
semoga Tuhan mendengarku.
give me the best,,ya Allah.
Regardless of who you are or what you do, if you are looking for the best way to reap the most reward in all areas of life, you should look for the good in every person and in every situation and adopt the golden rule as a way of life Love can be learned and continually improved. A positive attitude of growth of love relationship might rekindlle some dying embers, and it certainly can make life more enjoyable...
May 17, 2011
judulnya 'campur aduk'
sekarang aq tau......
he's into another girl...
i like him, but he doesn't..
he was my very close friend..
yeah, just friend....
senang ato sedih, i dunno...
miss him.. so much *_*
he's into another girl...
i like him, but he doesn't..
he was my very close friend..
yeah, just friend....
senang ato sedih, i dunno...
miss him.. so much *_*
May 15, 2011
Discourse Analysis: An Example
Mid Test: Discourse Analysis
Hesti Wahyuni Anggraini (20102506077)
Here, I would like to analyze some written data made by Faculty of Law of University of Sriwijaya, Indralaya, in English 400 class. There were 20 data taken. Here, I chose them randomly stated 20 elicited situations. In this case, I will analyze them base don the features of Pragmatic and Discourse Analysis, for example, whether or not there showed some relationship between forms and function. In other words, this focuses on the analysis of how utterances relate to the contexts in which they are used. Besides, I am concerned on how students response in certain situation appropriately.
In the given situation in refusal speech act, students responded differently in different social level.
1. You are in your boss’ room talking about the recent job description which is due in three weeks. Your boss tells you that there will be a guest from other institution coming to your office next week and invites you to come to the meeting hall, but you can not. (Invitation refusal to higher status)
You refuse by saying:
a. I’d love to, Sir. But, I am not sure I can. I am still working on the recent job.
b. Some other time, please. I am still working on the recent job, Sir.
c. It is a great occasion for me, but I am afraid I can’t, Sir. I have something to do, Sir. It is in due date in the next here weeks.
d. Sorry, Sir. I have schedule with my friend. And I don’t leave my schedule. Sorry Sir!!!
The expression “Sorry Sir!!!” responded by student sounds rude in English communication due to the fact the use of “!!!” means that the student was not really pleased to hear what the boss was speaking. Student shows that she was angry with the boss’ invitation, and by repeating refusal “Sorry, Sir” indicates that she did not really hope to accept the invitation. Also, the way of how to refuse the invitation is considered not appropriate as the response is addressed to the boss, in higher social status. She made it impolite to say even though they have been familiar with each other.
Grammatically, talking about the correct form of sentence, there are some errors made by the student like “And (….) I don’t leave my schedule (want to forget my appointment with my friend). Then, she also did wrong like in “Sorry (,) Sir!!! (!). Here, I am using bold types to show the correct form while others are the errors. However, those errors are considered local errors because in Indonesian culture, it is common to use (!!!) and sometimes students translate in the same way of how they are thinking.
2. You are attending a friend’s wedding party. Because it is late at night, someone offers you a ride home. You do not accept the offer, because you have not already known him/her a lot. (Offer refusal to equal status)
You refuse by saying:
a. Thank you so much for your help. But, I am waiting for my mothe to pivk me up here.
b. I do appreciate it. But, I have got my brother to pick me up here.
c. Oh, it is very kind of you. I am waiting for my brother to me up, though.
d. Can you go first, Because I am waiting my friend in this party.
It is surprisingly unpredictable when she responded inappropriate way. When her partner gave him any offer, she did not answer what her partner was saying, but she asked again, showing that she was not interested in the offer. Then, it is awkward in Western culture to ask when some one is offering something. When she said “Can you go first, Because I am waiting my friend in this party”, it is positively appreciated in Indonesian culture. The error is still considered as local error. The correction errors in this situation are “Can you go first? I am waiting for my friend in this party”. Besides, grammatically, she did error as in “waiting my friend” instead of “waiting for my friend.”
3. You are a language teacher at university. At the end of the class, one of your students asks to speak to you to give him/her any suggestions in learning grammar. Unfortunately, you can not because you are in a hurry. (Suggestions refusal to lower status)
You refuse by saying:
a. Some other time, please. I am in a hurry now.
b. I’d love to. But, I can not do that now. I have appointment with someone before.
c. You are very good student. But, I am afraid I can’t. Please see me tomorrow.
d. Sorry, student!!! Now Ms. Ria have work that hurry. Can they talking again!!! Ok.
Similarly, the expression of “Sorry, student!!!” said by the lecturer is really not appropriate to say, especially for higher status. It sounds that she was very angry with the students, although in the fact it is not true. It must be “Sorry, student!” so that there is still any respect between lecturer and student. Then, it is confusing when she wrote “Can they talking again!!!” in which “they” refers to what. Here, it is obvious that there was only one student to ask for any suggestions to the lecturer, not all students. The, the use of “OK” creates big question. To what does the expression of “OK” refer? If there is no any deal, she spontaneously responded what she said. Here, the expression of “OK” should be omitted because it is not necessary to say. Then, linguistically, the sentence of “Now Ms. Ria have (has) work that hurry. Also, what does “that hurry” mean? It sounds odd to understand. Besides, grammatical error happened in the sentence of “Can they talking (talk) again!!!”
4. You are in the canteen at school. Then, someone comes to you to borrow some money from you. You do not want to lend him/her money because you have already known that he/she often borrows some money but never pays it back. (Request refusal to higher status)
You refuse by saying:
a. I am afraid I can’t, Sir. I have much stuff to but now.
b. Oh, I don’t bring much money, Sir.
c. Love to, but not now.
d. Sorry, I don’t have money now. Because I don’t bring to much now.
Here, errors came form the sentence “Because I don’t bring to much now” showed that the students must omit conjunction “Because” due to the fact that it may create new clause so that it can be interpreted well. Moreover, student is misspelling of the preposition of “to (too). Yet, there was still odd to interpret when she said “I don’t have money now” while the next sentence stated “Because I don’t bring to much now”. If she had no money, it is better not to say “I don’t bring to much”.
5. You are in due date to submit your school assignment. But, your friend comes to you to help him/her with his/her project. (Request refusal to equal status)
a. Some other time, please. I am working on my assignment. It is in due date.
b. Oh, I’d love to. Unfortunately, I am working on my deadline to finish.
c. Why don’t you see some other friends of ours to ask?
d. Wulan, can you acceptance with Wiwid to!!! Because I have due date to submit assignment school.
The expression of “Wulan” showed that both are having close relationship; in which they have already known before. Yet, still Indonesian translation happened again when other is requesting, she was ready to ask for any confirmation. She was ready to clarify why she asked. Again, the use of “!!!” really showed what Eastern culture do to show refusal. The writer seemed to posses “due date” when she said “Because I have due date to submit assignment school, instead of “It is in due date to submit my assignment”.
6. You are working at food court. Someone is ordering chicken soup. But it is already empty. (Apologizing to higher status) What would you say?
a. I am sorry, Sir. It’s over now.
b. I’m terribly sorry, Sir. We haven’t got any chicken soup left.
c. I do apologize, Sir. We haven’t got any chicken soup left. Why don’t you offer other menu?
d. Ecuse me Sir, chicken soup not already now!! Can you waiting, Sir!!
Looking at to whom she said, when she responded “Ecuse me, Sir,…” it indicates that she was using appropriate response politely. In the same way, it is better for her to offer another menu to satisfy someone’s hunger, not to wait for the menu that hasn’t got any. When she asked to wait for the menu, I don’t think that she could make it because chicken soup was over. However, there were still errors done by her, like what we saw in “Ecuse (Excuse) me, Sir. Chicken soup not already (is over) now!!! (!) Can you waiting, Sir!! (Do you mind having salad?) Even though she made many mistakes in offering the menu, what she said is still clear to understand because they both are in the same culture, in the same country.
7. You are late to submit your assignment because you were sick last week. (Apologizing to higher status) What would you say?
a. I am sorry, Prof. I haven’t done it because I was sick last week.
b. Please accept my apology, Prof. I haven’t finished yet. I was sick last week.
c. I am terribly sorry, Prof. I haven’t finished it. I was sick last week.
d. Prof, sorry. I late to submit my assignment because I was sick last week. But, I will working on my assignment until finish. Please, Prof, help me?
Here, the expression “Sorry” was the best way to show our apology. The way of how to address the lecturer by using “Prof.” was in Western culture. Clearly, the respondent tries to work on how the Western people addressed someone appropriately to show politeness. Then, when she stated why she was late to submit the assignment, she did well. However, it sounds awkward when she used “?” in begging for any help. It made the lecturer confused whether she was asking or begging. So, in correct way, it is good not to use “?”. Then, grammatically, the omission of “to be” like in “I (was) late to submit my assignment because I was sick last week was another form of errors done by the respondent. Besides, the adding of “ing” form as in “I will (work) working on my assignment until finish” was another form. It an concluded that the respondent tried to add or omit certain parts of speech due to the fat that she might have no knowledge of how to say it correctly. Yet, the lecturer still understood what she spoke.
8. You have lost your friend’s book. (Apologizing to equal status)
What would you say?
a. I am sorry for losing your book. It is my big mistake.
b. Could you accept my apology? I will find a new book for you.
c. I am terribly sorry for my mistake.
d. Sorry, friend. I losing your book. I give you new book.
Here, there might be close relation between them both as shown in “Sorry, friend.” Here, because they were in the same status, it sounds that they made it so informal to show their relationship. But, when she said “I give you new book”, I don’t think that it was true to say in Western culture. It belongs to Indonesian culture. If we lost something, we must give a new one to show that we were so sorry for our mistake. Because both are in the same culture, there would be no significant problem. However, the respondent made little error in using “I lost (losing) your book.” grammatically.
9. You forgot to bring your little brother’s book. (Apologizing to lower status)
What would you say?
a. I am sorry. I forgot to bring your book.
b. Please accept my apology. I forgot to bring your book.
c. Oh, I am sorry to forget to bring your book.
d. I am forget to bring your little book. I am sorry.
Because they were relatives, it sometimes showed how to address appropriately in polite way. Here, the respondent indicated that she had no use of addressing like in “I am sorry”. She acted it out as if they have no relationship meaning that she acted like she was very close to her brother. In grammatical feature, it showed clearly the use of “to be” in “I am (…) forget to bring your little book”. It is common error for Indonesian to say it double. Then, if we are talking about how to address in Indonesian culture, we are accustomed to say “dek” to the younger sister or brother to show that we are respecting him.
10. You are in your friend’s room now. Suddenly, you broke her glasses. (Apologizing to equal status) What would you say?
a. I am sorry for breaking your glasses. Please accept my apology.
b. I am terribly sorry to break your glasses. I didn’t even know you put it here.
c. I do apologize. Let me give you new glasses.
d. I am sorry. I am breaking your glasses. But I give you new glasses. Sorry ya, sis?
Here, there might be close relation between them both as shown in “I am sorry.” Here, because they were in the same status, it sounds that they made it so informal to show their relationship. But, when she said “I give you new glasses”, I don’t think that it was true to say in Western culture. It belongs to Indonesian culture. If we lost something, we must give a new one to show that we were so sorry for our mistake. Because both are in the same culture, there would be no significant problem. However, the respondent mixed two cultures in the same occasion. Fro example, when she said “Sorry ya, sis?” it indicated that she was using Indonesian culture, instead of western culture. In the condition, the use of “?” made us confusing understanding whether she was begging for apology or asking. It is better to omit the question mark to make clear statement. Grammatically, there was no error.
11. You want your boss to give letter of reference to apply for scholarship? (Request to higher status)
How would you ask him/her to do so for you?
a. I need a favor, Sir. Could you mind giving me letter of reference to apply for scholarship?
b. Would you possibly do me a favor, Sir? I need letter of reference to apply for scholarship.
c. Please do me a favor, Sir. Could you give me letter of reference to apply fro scholarship?
d. Sir, I want to apply for scholarship and I need it. Could you give me letter of reference to apply for scholarship! I need it so much, Sir.
Here, the respondent were doing politely in requesting for letter of reference to the lecturer though there was little error to use of “!” instead of “?” if we are asking for request, as in “Could you give me letter of reference to apply for scholarship! (?)” Then, because the respondent has stated “to apply for scholarship” before, it is better not to restate it again. It sounds strange and it is such kind of making inappropriate repetition. Next, what she said in “I need it so much, Sir.” showed that she insisted the lecturer impolitely. She wanted the lecturer to do it as soon as possible.
12. You want a friend of yours to post your mail because you are sick. (Request to equal status)
How would you ask him/her to do so for you?
a. Intan, I need your help. Please post this mail for me. I am sick now.
b. Please give me a hand, Intan. I need to post this mail. But I can not even wake up now.
c. Can you help me, Intan? Please post this mail for me. I am sick now.
d. Please, help me to post this mail. I am sick now.
Even though there were close relationship between them, the respondent did not show any respect of how to address her friend politely. Here, she was using spontaneous action by ignoring the use of “friend” to show that she really counts on her for it.
13. You want to go for a trip. You need a camera. You have a friend from lower semester from you who has camera. (Request to lower status)
How would you ask him/her to do so for you?
a. Do you have a camera? May I borrow you camera for several days?
b. Could you mind lending me you camera, please? I want to go for a trip.
c. Can I use your camera for several days? I want to go fro a trip.
d. May I borrow your camera? I need it for a trip.
Simply, because it was an informal situation, the respondent sometimes forgot to address someone as shown above. Yet, it had no big deal for western culture to say the point only in requesting.
14. You are in the bus and it s too hot. You want someone close to the window to open it for you. (Request to higher status)
How would you ask him/her to do so for you?
a. Excuse me. Could you please open the window? It’s hot.
b. Please do me a favor. Please open the window. It’s hot.
c. Can you do me a favor? Please open the window. It’s hot.
d. So hot here. Please, help me open the window.
Clearly, the respondent tried to use incomplete sentence even though she was talking with person in higher status, like in “so hot here.” But, she was using appropriate way in the right time. As long as the hearer understood what she was asking for, it was not a big deal. The word “please’ also showed the politeness.
15. You want your friend to show you how to convert Power Point slide into handouts. (Request to equal status)
How would you ask him/her to do so for you?
a. Do you mind showing me how to change this application?
b. I need your help. Please show me how to convert Power Point slide into handouts.
c. Could you show me the way to convert this application?
d. Can you help me? Please, show me the way to convert this application.
Here, the respondent was doing well in how to request something to the equal status with no discrimination toward their social status. She did politely shown in the use of “please” and “could you….”
Responded by male students:
16. You are going through some financial problems to buy textbook for your class. Your mother offers some money for you. (Gratitude to higher status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. You are so grateful, Mom. Thank you so much for your care.
b. It is very kind of you, Mom. I send my deep gratitude to you.
c. You are so precious to me now. Thank you so much for your care.
d. Thanks, Mom. You are so special. I promise to use this money to but textbook.
17. You are having some difficulties in understanding some points of what you are reading now. One of your classmates offers you some help to understand the content of the book you are reading. (Gratitude to equal status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. Oh, you are so kind to me. Thank you so much.
b. Thank you so much for your help.
c. I do appreciate your help.
d. Thank’s for all you do it for me.
18. You are writing your final test right now. But, your ink is empty. Junior relative offers you some ink to use. (Gratitude to lower status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. Thank you, Sinta. You are very kind.
b. You are very helpful person. Thank you so much.
c. Thank you for your hand.
d. Thank’s for your help. You are so special.
19. You have been working in a certain institution for several years. You have got some awards fro your institution. Then, your boss gives you promotion to the higher level. (Gratitude to higher status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. I do appreciate your attention, Sir/Madame. I promise to do the best.
b. It is such kind of a great opportunity for me. Thank you so much for your care, Sir.
c. Please accept my gratitude, Sir. I really appreciate your attention, Sir.
d. It’s very kind of you, Sir. I promise to do my best.
20. You need a textbook for Discourse Analysis class. Your friend has it. He/she lends you the book. (Gratitude to equal status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. Thank you so much, friend. I owe you some kindness.
b. I do appreciate for your assistance.
c. Thank you very much for your help.
d. Oh, you are so kind to me. Thank’s for all.
As what stated by the male students, they were determined to do it simply with no any statements to say. In terms of pragmatic feature, it indicated that male students were talking less; however they did it appropriately in the right time. For example, he knew how to say “thank you” to mother or higher status person would be different from to say it to lower or equal status, as in No. 16 and No.17. In no. 16, he used the best way to address mother “Thanks, Mom. You are so special. I promise to use this money to but textbook.” while in no.17 had no way to address friend in the same status “Thank’s for all you do it for me.” However, male students were considered unknowingly no knowledge how to write “thank’s” in correct way, instead “thanks.”
Responded by female students:
16. You are going through some financial problems to buy textbook for your class. Your mother offers some money for you. (Gratitude to higher status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. You are so grateful, Mom. Thank you so much for your care.
b. It is very kind of you, Mom. I send my deep gratitude to you.
c. You are so precious to me now. Thank you so much for your care.
d. Oh, I have a kind mother. Thank you so much, Mom. I’m grateful because you care of me.
17. You are having some difficulties in understanding some points of what you are reading now. One of your classmates offers you some help to understand the content of the book you are reading. (Gratitude to equal status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. Oh, you are so kind to me. Thank you so much.
b. Thank you so much for your help.
c. I do appreciate your help.
d. You are my best friend. Thankful for your help.
18. You are writing your final test right now. But, your ink is empty. Junior relative offers you some ink to use. (Gratitude to lower status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. Thank you, Sinta. You are very kind.
b. You are very helpful person. Thank you so much.
c. Thank you for your hand.
d. Thank you for your help. I need it now.
19. You have been working in a certain institution for several years. You have got some awards fro your institution. Then, your boss gives you promotion to the higher level. (Gratitude to higher status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. I do appreciate your attention, Sir/Madame. I promise to do the best.
b. It is such kind of a great opportunity for me. Thank you so much for your care, Sir.
c. Please accept my gratitude, Sir. I really appreciate your attention, Sir.
d. I feel so great fro your promotion, Sir, and I promise to increase my quality.
20. You need a textbook for Discourse Analysis class. Your friend has it. He/she lends you the book. (Gratitude to equal status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. Thank you so much, friend. I owe you some kindness.
b. I do appreciate for your assistance.
c. Thank you very much for your help.
d. I am happiness have a friend like you. Thank you for your kindness.
Overall, female students were more expressive than male student, for example, as shown in no. 16 “Oh, I have a kind mother. Thank you so much, Mom. I’m grateful because you care of me.” Then, they knew how to address someone appropriately and how to send gratitude politely, like in “I feel so great fro your promotion, Sir, and I promise to increase my quality”. However, they did the same error as male did in grammatical feature, such as “I am happiness (happy) (to) have a friend like you. Thank you for your kindness.
To sum up, it can be said that students’ GPA is significantly influence how students respond something accurately due to the fact that they have knowledge about it. Here, most of students have 3.00 above in GPA. However, they often used wrong grammatical features as what have been explained above. Additionally, they still kept in mind that they are still using Indonesian culture instead of American culture, yet the communication is still running smoothly.
Discourse Analysis Questionnaire
Dear respondents,
This is school-task project and therefore, your help is required. You are kindly requested to complete this questionnaire which contains situations in which you might find yourself in real life.
I would appreciate it if you could complete this questionnaire as fast as possible. Thank you for your help and co-operation.
First, please provide the following form about yourself:
Name : ……………………………………………
Faculty/University : ……………………………………………
Semester : ……………………………………………
Gender : ……………………………………………
Age : ……………………………………………
GPA : ……………………………………………
1. You are attending a friend’s wedding party. Because it is late at night, someone offers you a ride home. You do not want to accept the offer, because you have not already known him/her a lot. (Offer refusal to equal status)
You refuse by saying:
a. Thank you so much for your help. But, I am waiting for my mother to pick me up here.
b. I do appreciate it. But, I have got my brother to pick me up here.
c. Oh, it is very kind of you. I am waiting for my brother to pick me up, though.
d. …………………………………………………………………………..
2. You are a language teacher at university. At the end of the class, one of your students asks to speak to you to give him/her any suggestions in learning grammar. Unfortunately, you can not because you are in a hurry. (Suggestions refusal to lower status)
You refuse by saying:
a. Some other time, please. I am in a hurry now.
b. I’d love to. But, I can not do that now. I have appointment with someone before.
c. You are very good student. But, I am afraid I can’t. please see me tomorrow.
d. ………………………………………………………………………….
3. You are in the canteen at school. Then, someone comes to you to borrow some money from you. You do not want to lend him/her money because you have already known that he/she often borrows some money but never pays it back. (Request refusal to higher status)
You refuse by saying:
a. I am afraid I can’t, Sir. I have much stuff to but now.
b. Oh, I don’t bring much money, Sir.
c. I’d love to, but not now.
d. …………………………………………………………………………..
4. You are in due date to submit your school assignment. But, your friend comes to you to help him/her with his/her project. (Request refusal to equal status)
a. Some other time, please. I am working on my assignment. It is in due date.
b. Oh, I’d love to. Unfortunately, I am working on my deadline to finish.
c. Why don’t you see some other friends of ours to ask?
d. …………………………………………………………………………
1. You are working at food court. Someone is ordering chicken soup. But it is already empty. (Apologizing to higher status) What would you say?
a. I am sorry, Sir. It’s over now.
b. I’m terribly sorry, Sir. We haven’t got any chicken soup left.
c. I do apologize, Sir. We haven’t got any chicken soup left. Why don’t you offer other menu?
d. …………………………………………………………………………
2. You are late to submit your assignment because you were sick last week. (Apologizing to higher status) What would you say?
a. I am sorry, Prof. I haven’t done it because I was sick last week.
b. Please accept my apology, Prof. I haven’t finished yet. I was sick last week.
c. I am terribly sorry, Prof. I haven’t finished it. I was sick last week.
d. ………………………………………………………………………….
3. You are in your friend’s room now. Suddenly, you broke her glasses. (Apologizing to equal status) What would you say?
a. I am sorry for breaking your glasses. Please accept my apology.
b. I am terribly sorry to break your glasses. I didn’t even know you put it here.
c. I do apologize. Let me give you new glasses.
d. ………………………………………………………………………….
4. You have lost your friend’s book. (Apologizing to equal status)
What would you say?
a. I am sorry for losing your book. It is my big mistake.
b. Could you accept my apology? I will find a new book for you.
c. I am terribly sorry for my mistake.
d. ………………………………………………………………………....
5. You forgot to bring your little brother’s book. (Apologizing to lower status)
What would you say?
a. I am sorry. I forgot to bring your book.
b. Please accept my apology. I forgot to bring your book.
c. Oh, I am sorry to forget to bring your book.
d. ………………………………………………………………………....
1. You want your boss to give letter of reference to apply for scholarship? (Request to higher status)
How would you ask him/her to do so for you?
a. I need a favor, Sir. Could you mind giving me letter of reference to apply for scholarship?
b. Would you possibly do me a favor, Sir? I need letter of reference to apply for scholarship.
c. Please do me a favor, Sir. Could you give me letter of reference to apply fro scholarship?
d. ………………………………………………………………………….
2. You want a friend of yours to post your mail because you are sick. (Request to equal status)
How would you ask him/her to do so for you?
a. Intan, I need your help. Please post this mail for me. I am sick now.
b. Please give me a hand, Intan. I need to post this mail. But I can not even wake up now.
c. Can you help me, Intan? Please post this mail for me. I am sick now.
d. …………………………………………………………………………
3. You want to go for a trip. You need a camera. You have a friend from lower semester from you who has camera. (Request to lower status)
How would you ask him/her to do so for you?
a. Do you have a camera? May I borrow you camera for several days?
b. Could you mind lending me you camera, please? I want to go for a trip.
c. Can I use your camera for several days? I want to go fro a trip.
d. ………………………………………………………………………….
4. You are in the bus and it s too hot. You want someone close to the window to open it for you. (Request to higher status)
How would you ask him/her to do so for you?
a. Excuse me. Could you please open the window? It’s hot .
b. Please do me a favor. Please open the window. It’s hot.
c. Can you do me a favor? Please open the window. It’s hot.
d. ………………………………………………………………………...
5. You want your friend to show you how to convert Power Point slide into handouts. (Request to equal status)
How would you ask him/her to do so for you?
a. Do you mind showing me how to change this application?
b. I need your help. Please show me how to convert Power Point slide into handouts.
c. Could you show me the way to convert this application?
d. ………………………………………………………………………….
1. You are going through some financial problems to buy textbook for your class. Your mother offers some money for you. (Gratitude to higher status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. You are so grateful, Mom. Thank you so much for your care.
b. It is very kind of you, Mom. I send my deep gratitude to you.
c. You are so precious to me now. Thank you so much for your care.
d. ………………………………………………………………………….
2. You are having some difficulties in understanding some points of what you are reading now. One of your classmates offers you some help to understand the content of the book you are reading. (Gratitude to equal status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. Oh, you are so kind to me. Thank you so much.
b. Thank you so much for your help.
c. I do appreciate your help.
d. ………………………………………………………………………….
3. You are writing your final test right now. But, your ink is empty. Junior relative offers you some ink to use. (Gratitude to lower status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. Thank you, Sinta. You are very kind.
b. You are very helpful person. Thank you so much.
c. Thank you for your hand.
d. ………………………………………………………………………….
4. You have been working in a certain institution for several years. You have got some awards fro your institution. Then, your boss gives you promotion to the higher level. (Gratitude to higher status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. I do appreciate your attention, Sir/Madame. I promise to do the best.
b. It is such kind of a great opportunity for me. Thank you so much for your care, Sir.
c. Please accept my gratitude, Sir. I really appreciate your attention, Sir.
d. ………………………………………………………………………….
5. You need a textbook for Discourse Analysis class. Your friend has it. He/she lends you the book. (Gratitude to equal status)
You send your gratitude by saying:
a. Thank you so much, friend. I owe you some kindness.
b. I do appreciate for your assistance.
c. Thank you very much for your help.
d. ………………………………………………………………………….
Thank you
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