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February 26, 2011

It's An Amazing World

Start again to enlarge our knowledge, Fellas !!!

Nearly one eighth of the world's land surface is desert. Each day, the world's desert is increase by 160 square kilometers.

In Mammoth Caves National Park, in the United States, there is a cave system with nearly 300 kilometers of passages already explored.
         In the Carlsbard Caverns, New Mexico, there is a cave 77 meters high and 550 meters across.

Ice and Water
About 10% of the earth's land surface is covered with ice.
          There is a place on the Antarctic continent where the land (under the  ice cap) is 2,468 meters below sea level.
          Greenland, the world's largest island (not counting Australia) is covered by a thick ice cap; there may in fact be a group of several islands underneath.
          The coldest place in the world is Vostok, in Antarctica. Temperatures of -88 Celcius Degree have been recorded. (The world's hottest recorded temperature was 58 Celcius Degree at Al 'Aziziyah', in Libya.
          The largest iceberg ever seen was 335 kilometers and 97 kilometers wide-larger than Belgium.
          More than 70% of the earth's surface is covered by water.

The world's tallest mountain from base to summit is not Everest. it is Mauna Kea, in Hawaii, whose total height is 10.203 meters (including 5,998 meters below surface of the sea).
          The highest mountain which is completely below the surface of the sea is between Samoa and New Zealand - it is 8,690 meters high.

Rivers, Lakes and Waterfalls
The world's longest rivers, the Amazon and the Nile, are both about 6,400 kilometers long from source to mouth.
             The biggest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea.
             The biggest lake in a lake is Manitou lake (with an area of more than 100 square kilometers), on Manitou island in Lake Huron, North America.
             The world's highest waterfall is Angel Falls in Venezuela: the total drop is 979 meters.

February 24, 2011

A Year in the Life of an ESL Student

A Year in the Life of an ESL Student

From The Book of Facts by Isaac Asimov: The Technological World

More Light, Less Sleep
Thanks to the electrical light, Americans today, on the average, sleep 1,2 hours less Americans of six decades ago. A University of Florida report noted that most adults sleep 7,5 hours a day and that about 15% sleep less than 6,5 hours.

Mighty Micro-chip
A chip of silllicon a quarter-inch square has the capacity of the original 1946 ENIAC computer, which occupied a whole room.

World's Smallest Motor
The world's smallest electric motor weighs one half-millionth of a pound ans is smaller than the head of pin. Built by a Californian, William McLellan, the motor measures a sixty-fourth of an inch on all sides. It has thirteen parts and generates one-millionth of a horsepower. It can be seen in an operation
only through a microscope. McLellan built a motor using a toothpick, a microscope, and a watchmaker's lather.

The First Traffic Lights

In 1930, a Detroit policeman named William L.Potts worked out an electric light system that allowed him to control three street intersections from one tower. he picked the colors red, yellow and green because railroads used them. These were the first street traffic lights.

Forces of Attraction
An electron and a positron attract each other in two ways: the electromagnetic attraction of their opposite electric charges, and the gravitational attraction ot their two masses. The electromagnetic attraction is 4,200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times as strong as the gravitational. (Of the four known forces-gravitation, weak interaction, electromagnetic interaction, strong interaction- the gravitational force by far the weakest).

The Largest Light Bulb
The largest light bulb was a foot-long 75,000-watt bulb handblown at the Corning Works to celebrate seventy-fifth anniversary of Thomas Edison's invention of the incandescent lamp.

February 23, 2011

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody

 (from The Greening of America by Charles R)

This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody;s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

February 22, 2011

Honesty in Business

'My boy,' said a businessman to his son, 'there are two things that are vitally necessary if you are to succeed in business.'

'What are they, dad?'

'Honesty and wisdom.'

'What is honesty?'

'Always-it doesn't matter what happens, or however badly it may affect you - always keep your word once you have given it.'

'And wisdom?'

'Never give your word.'

February 19, 2011

Fairy Tale

He built himself a house,
                   his foundations,
                   his stones,
                   his walls,
                   his roof overhead,
                   his chimney and smoke,
                   his view from the window.

He made himself a garden,
                   his fence,
                   his thyme,
                   his earthworm,
                   his evening dew.

He cut out his bit of sky above.

And he wrapped the garden in the sky
and the house in the garden
and paced a lo in a handkerchief
and went off
lone as an arctic fox
through the cold
into the world.

(Miroslav Holub, English translation by George Theiner)

Locked In

All my life I live in a coconut.
It was cramped and dark.
Especially in the morning when I had to shave.
        But what pained me most was that I had no way
to get into touch with the outside world.
If no one out there happened to find the coconut,
If no one cracked it, then I was doomed
to live all my life in the nut, and maybe die there.
       I died in the coconut.
       A couple of years later they found the coconut,
cracked it, and found me shrunk and crumpled inside.
      "What an accident!"
      "If only we had found it earlier..."
      "Then maybe we could have saved him."
      "Maybe there are more of them locked in like that..."
      "Whom we might be to save,"
they said, and started knocking to pieces every
coconut within reach.
      No use! Meaningless! A waste of time!
A person who chooses to live in a coconut!
Such a nut is one in million!
     But I have a brother-in-law who
lives in an

Ingemar Gustafson, English Translation by Mary Swenson

February 18, 2011

Languages in the World

Something forgotten, but important. Check 'em out here !!!
The Most Language
Papua New Guinea has the greatest concentration of separate languages in the world, with more than 10 percent of the world's total of 4-5,000.

Comment: What 'bout Indonesia???? Many languages in here, but the more languages come in to Indonesia,                        the  more languages are dead.>.<

The Most Commonly Spoken
The language used by more people as their native  tongue than any other is Mnadarin, spoken by an estimated 68 percent of China's population (770 million people in 1990). The next commonly spoken language, and the most widespread, is English, with an estimated 330 million native speakers. Nearly twice as many use it as  a second or third language.

The Most Complex
Chippewa, the North American Indian language, has the most verb forms, with up to 6,000. The Inuit languages uses 63 forms of present tense.

Irregular Verbs
Turkish has only one irregular verb - olmak, meaning 'to be'. English has over 25 irregular verbs.

The Commonest Sound
No language is known to be without the vowel 'a' (as in the English word 'father".)

The language with the most letters is Cambodian, with 74 (including, some without any current use). Rotokas, one of Papua New Guinea's 500 languages, has the least letters, with 11 (a,b,e,g,i,k,o,p,r,t and u).

English Vocabulary
The English language contains about 490,000 words plus another 300,000 technical terms, the msot in any language, but it is doubtful if any individual uses more that 60,000. British people who had a full 16 years of education use perhaps  5,000 words in speech and up to 10,000 words in written communications. Shakespeare used a vocabulary of about 33,000 words.

February 17, 2011


Check !!!! Check !!!! Check !!!!

Sam Goldwyn was famous not only for the Hollywood films he produced but also for some amazing things he said:

" A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on."
" I'll give you  a definite maybe."
" Include me out."
" Don't talk to me when I'm interrupting."
" I read part of it all the way through."
" What i want is a story that starts with an earthquake and work as a way up to climax."
" I don't want any yes-men around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs."
" I may not always be right, I'm never wrong at all."
" Anybody who goes to psychiatrists ought to have their head examined."
" In two words: im-possible."
" A bachelor is no life for a single man."
" We'd do nothing for each other. We'd even cut for each other's throats for each other."
" If I could drop dead right now, I'd be the happiest man alive."
" Color television! I won't believe it until I see it in black and white."
" Our comedies are not to be laughed at."
" When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you."

Strange but T.R.U.E !!!!!!!!

These are things to know (read: missing things in life), i mean, remarkable information in whichever age we are. Check 'em out !!!!!!

* Bamboo can grow one meter in 24 hours.
* Napoleon was afraid of cats.... LOL ^^
* There were elephants, lions, and camels in Alaska 12,000 years ago.
* In the winters, of 1420 and 1438, wolves were found in the streets of Paris.
*If ice in the world melted, the sea would rise over 50 metrers.
* 85% of all the world's plants grow in the sea.
* Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, is heated by underground hot springs.
* Nearly 25% of the surface of Los Angeles is occupied by cars.
* 99% of all forms of life that have ever existed on the earth are now extinct.
* All US presidents have worn glasses.
* 35% of all Americans are overweight.
* Your skin weighs nearly three kilograms.
* The first parachute jump was made by a dog in a basket (belonging to the French Balloonist Blanchard) in 1785.
* Betsy, a chimpanzee at the Baltimore zoo, paints pictures, and has had 65 of them sold.
* The most common name in the world is Muhammad..... (((((Alhamdulillah))))))))

February 09, 2011

Understanding about Discoveries and Religion

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Galileo pada abad XVI adalah peletak dasar eksperimentasi ilmu pengetahuan. Ia adalah eksperimenter terbaik di dunia.
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Al Biruni (1050) adalah eksperimenter terhebat pertama di dunia Islam. Dari percobaan-percobaanNya, ia menulis lebih dari 200 judul buku dengan total 13.000 halaman lebih. Ini jauh melampaui gabungan tulisan Newton & Galileo.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Alkohol dibuat melalui destilasi pertama diproduksi oleh ahli kimia Spanyol Arnau de Villanova pada tahun 1300 M.
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Destilasi untuk mendapatkan alkohol sebagai antiseptik telah dilakukan dokter & kimiawan muslim pada abad X.

Apa yg Diketahui Umum:
Robert Boyle pada abad XVII menemukan & mengembangkan ilmu Kimia.
Apa yg Sebenarnya:
Alkemi adalah ilmunya orang Islam. Ar Razi Al Jarjari, Al Biruni, Al Kindi,& Ibnu Hayyan memunculkan eksperimen kimia 700th sbelum Boyle. Ini semua diakui penulis kenamaan barat, Durant & Humboldt.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Leonardo Da Vinci pada abad XVI digelari bapak ilmu Geologi karena pernyataanNya yang sederhana: "Berbagai fosil yang ditemukan di Gunung-gunung menunjukkan bahwa bumi ini pada mulanya tertutup air."
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Al Biruni pada abad XI meneliti & menyimpulkan hal ini. Ia menambahkan argumen-argumen lain & banyak lagi poin penting. Tampaknya Da Vinci belajar dari literatur terjemahan Arab-Latin. Sayang sekali, ia tak menambahkan apapun, sekedar mengutip & tidak lengkap pula.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Persamaan kubik (pangkat 3) belum dapat dipecahkan sampai abad XVI saat Niccolo Tartaglia mengajukan suatu formula untuk memecahkanNya.
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Persamaan kubik, bahkan persamaan pangkat banyak (polinomial) telah dirumuskan formulasi pemecahanNya oleh ilmuwan muslim di abad X.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Pada tahun 1614, John Napier menemukan konsep logaritma & menyusun tabelnya.
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Tabel logaritma sudah sangat akrab digunakan di dunia Islam pada abad XIII.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Konsep tentang bilangan kurang dari nol (bilangan negatif) diperkenalkan oleh matematikawan Italia Geronimo Cardano, pada tahun 1545.
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Empat ratus tahun sebelum Cardano mengemukakanNya, bilangan negatif telah sangat akrab menghiasi perhitungan Aritmatika para matematikawan muslim.
Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Pada abad XVII, matematikawan Perancis, Rene des Cartes, menyatakan bahwa Aljabar dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah Geometri. Ia disebut sebagai ahli terahli dalam Geometri.
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Di abad IX, Tsabit ibn Qurrah menuliskan pernyataan serupa. Kemudian Abul Wafa, bahkan, menyusun sebuah textbook Aljabar yang menyederhanakan berbagai masalah Geometri.

Apa yg Diketahui Umum:
Roger Bacon,pada tahun 1292, mengungkapkan penggunaan lensa untuk membantu penglihatan. Di saat yg sama kacamata telah populer di Cina, baru kemudian daratan Eropa.
Apa yg Sebenarnya:
Ibn Firnas Al Andalusi, menemukan kacamata pada abad IX. Bersamaan dengan itu industrinya berdiri, maka kacamata diproduksi massal & dijual sampai ke luar Spanyol. Teori kacamata Bacon, penjiplakan sederhana dari hasil kerja Ibn Haitsam di tahun 1039.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Kompas ditemukan oleh orang Cina & mereka sudah menggunakanNya antara tahun 1000-1100.
Referensi pertama tentang penggunaanNya dalam navigasi ditulis oleh Alexander Neckam (1157-1217).
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Gustav Le Bon sendiri mengakui, bahwa jarum magnet & kompas ditemukan oleh orang muslim,& orang Cina hanya sedikit berhubungan dengan hal ini. Para pelaut Eropa pun masih menggunakan navigator muslim dalam aneka penjelajahan di abad selanjutnya. Neckam, seperti halnya orang Cina, kemungkinan besar belajar dari interaksi & literatur navigasi Islam.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Geografi menjadi populer & dipelajari kembali pada abad XIV-XVI, ketika hasil kerja kuno Ptolemeus -yang sangat jauh dari ilmiah- diketemukan. Ekspedisi Portugis & Spanyol berperan besar dalam perkembangan ilmu ini.
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Para ahli geografi muslim menghasilkan banyak literatur Geografi tentang Afrika, Asia Tengah, India,& China dalam abad VIII-XV. Dalam karya ini termaktub ensiklopedi geografi pertama di dunia, almanak geografi pertama,& peta jalan pertama di dunia.

Apa yang diketahui umum:
Orang pertama yang mengemukakan 'manusia dalam penerbangan' adalah Roger Bacon, filsuf inggris yang MENGGAMBAR peralatan terbang pada abad XIII. Leonardo Da Vinci, seorang Italia, kemudian mengkonsep alat transportasi udara & MENGGAMBAR beberapa prototype 'mesin terbang'.
Apa yang sebenarnya:
Ibnu Firnas, seorang muslim Andalusia(Spanyol) telah MENDESAIN, MENGKONSTRUKSI, & MENGUJI mesin terbang pada tahun 800 M. Roger Bacon belajar dari karya Ibnu Firnas tentang desain mesin terbang yang berbahasa Arab. Bacon menggambar mesinnya 500 tahun sesudah wafatnya Ibnu Firnas, & Da Vinci menggambar 'heli bertenaga manusia' 700 tahun kemudian.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Orang pertama yang menggunakan simbol Aljabar adalah matematikawan Perancis, Francois Vieta. Pada tahun 1591, ia menggunakan x & y dalam buku ajar Aljabarnya untuk menyatakan persamaan dengan lambang huruf.
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Penggunaan variabel dalam menyatakan persamaan telah digunakan Al Khawarizmi pada abad IX. Variabel "x" misalnya, adalah penyederhanaan simbol dari huruf Arab "syin". Buktinya, Xavier tetap dibaca Syavier, & Xanana tetap dibaca Syanana.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Cermin kaca diproduksi pertama kali di Venesia pada tahun 1291 M.
Apa yang sebenarnya:
Cermin kaca, sudah digunakan di Andalusia di bawah pemerintahan Bani Umayyah di abad XI.
Orang-orang Venesia belajar ilmu produksi kaca dari Damaskus pada abad IX-X.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Hingga abad XIV, satu-satunya tipe jam adalah jam air. Barulah pada tahun 1335, di Milan, Italia jam mekanik pertama diciptakan.
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Beragam macam tipe jam dengan segala ukuran sudah diproduksi oleh insinyur-insinyur muslim Spanyol.
Orang Italia belajar dari terjemahan bahasa latin atas manuskrip-manuskrip Arab tentang mekanika & gravitasi.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Pada abad XVII, Galileo Galilei untuk pertama kalinya mengembangkan konsep pendulum (bandul) saat dia masih belia.
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Ibn Yunus Al Mashri di kairo menemukan pendulum (bandul) pada abad X.
Penggunaan pendulum dalam jam diperkenalkan sejak abad XV oleh para fisikawan muslim.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Mesin ketik & cetak yang portable ditemukan oleh Johannes Guttenberg di Jerman pada abad XV.
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Seratus tahun sebelum Guttenberg pada 1454 mengembangkan mesin cetak yang mengesankan dunia Barat, alat sejenis telah lazim digunakan di dunia Islam.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
Mesin ketik & cetak yang portable ditemukan oleh Johannes Guttenberg di Jerman pada abad XV.
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Seratus tahun sebelum Guttenberg pada 1454 mengembangkan mesin cetak yang mengesankan dunia Barat, alat sejenis telah lazim digunakan di dunia Islam.

Apa yg Diketahui Umum:
Newton, di abad XVII mengatakan, bahwa sinar putih adalah kombinasi bermacam warna.
Apa yg Sebenarnya:
Ibn Haitsam di abad XI sudah menuliskan & menggambarkan spektrumNya kemudian dilengkapi oleh Kamal El Din pada abad XIV. Newton memang punya banyak penemuan, tapi bukan yg 1 ini.

Apa yang Diketahui Umum:
ilmu Trigonometri berasal & berkembang di yunani.
Apa yang Sebenarnya:
Memang, keunikan segitiga diketahui di Yunani. Tapi pengembangan Trigonometri hingga menjadi seperti sekarang dilakukan oleh ilmuwan muslim. Kata Sin (tanpa 'us', -us adalah tambahan lafal dalam terjemahan Latin), Cos, & Tan semuanya berasal dari bahasa Arab.